Cytogenetic and clinical features of down syndrome in malang, east java, indonesia
Abstract 94 | pdf Downloads 949 | DOI 42-46
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Surgery: A Case Report of A Three-Year-Old Child with Deep Dermal Burn Injury
Abstract 141 | pdf Downloads 132 | DOI 54-56
Fecal secretory immunoglobulin a, human ß defensin-2, and calprotectin levels in preterm neonates who consumes breast milk only, formula milk only, and combination
Abstract 124 | pdf Downloads 172 | DOI 57-65
Clinical and laboratory profiles of pediatric asthma patients with house dust mite (HDM)–specific subcutaneous immunotherapy: A single center, cross sectional study
Abstract 380 | pdf Downloads 146 | DOI 66-71